
Science Links: | Astronomy Links | Marine Links | Other Science Links |
- Oceanography-Coral Reef Habitats
Find out about coral reefs all over the world. Find out where they are and what lives there.
- Whalenet at Wheelock College, Boston
Great whale information and tracking of marine mammals.
- Monterey Bay Aquarium
submitted by: Star Gazer
An award-winning ocean-conservation link and "e-quarium".
- Marine Careers
Interested in learning more about careers in marine biology and other marine sciences? If so, this site will
introduce you to those fields and to scientists in them. It will also provide information on salaries and links to additional resources
- deep sea communities
submitted by: Deep Sea
hit "cold seeps" or "hot vents" to learn about deep-sea habitats where bacteria rule! These links are part of my PhD advisor's web pages. Great pictures, and good descriptions!
- Explore the Great Barrier Reef
This site connects you to scientists exploring the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. There is a lot of cool information, including a great video!
- Coral Reef WebQuest
This webquest provides links to information about coral reefs and the many types of animals that make their homes in and around these reefs.
- New England Aquarium
submitted by: NYADS
Information about the New England Aquarium, including volunteer opportunities
- Dental Facts About Whales
submitted by: Libby
In addition to providing an overview of dental facts about whales, this article provides a long list of general resources regarding whales and dentistry.