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"Could there really be life in outer space?"

question from: Luky
posted: Jan 10, 2002

Answer from "rocketscientist", an Aerospace Engineer:
I think there could be life in outer space because there is so much of the universe that we have yet to explore. In order to have life like we have on earth, there would have to be a planet with the right temperature (not too hot and not too cold), water and an atmosphere (air to breathe). There are many other suns in the universe - so planets close to the sun (like earth is to our sun) would have the right temperature. Whether water and an atmosphere were present would depend on the chemical composition of the planet.

Answer from "stargirl", an Astronomer:
Definitely. To quote or rather paraphrase the movie Contact, 'it would be a big waste of space if there wasn't'. Life might be common or rare, I don't know, but I certainly believe that we aren't all there is.

Thanks to Gladys from Winter Hill Middle School for submitting this question!

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